The Kuiper Belt

Kuiper Belt NASA

The Kuiper Belt was foreign to me before this class. I had never heard of it and because of that it stuck out to me. The basics of the Kuiper Belt is that it is the large region beyond Neptune. It stretches from about 30au-50au from the Sun. So far NASA says that only 2000 objects have been categorized. Which is astonishingly small for how big it is, but they estimate that there are hundreds of thousands of objects in it. Another interesting fact about the Kuiper Belt is that many of its objects have moons. This of course includes Pluto but other objects in it also have moons. The Kuiper Belt remains one of the most interesting but understudied parts of our solar system. I encourage everyone to look it up at some point and see if it interests you as well.


One response to “The Kuiper Belt”

  1. Hey Ethan – Great post! I find the fact that there are only 2,000 objects identified within the Kuiper belt fascinating. This does seem like an extremely small number. The fact that this belt spans 20 AUs with only that little known is wild.


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