Fermi Paradox


Paradoxes are always interesting to contemplate, and the Fermi paradox is no different. First proposed by Enrico Fermi (above) the Fermi paradox in a nutshell is if the scale and probability of our universe favors intelligent life developing elsewhere, then why have we not found any evidence of that life. This paradox sparked Frank Drake to create the Drake equation we looked at in class. Many scientists have contemplated this paradox for years, but no real solution has come about, and one likely never will in our lifetimes. However, the theory I most subscribe to is the Great Filter. The Great Filter is whatever natural phenomena that would cause the evolution of intelligent life so rare. Having taken biology and seeing all the processes and events that led up to our evolution it’s a surprise that we are even here to begin with. I am open to hearing other’s thoughts on the matter.


3 responses to “Fermi Paradox”

  1. Hi Ethan, This is such an interesting thing to consider. I was not familiar with the Fermi Paradox until your post. Given what we have studied in class about the other worlds in our solar system, Earth truly seems to be a rare and unique find. Based on how rare the Earth is from our studies, in only makes sense that the Great Filter would similarly predict the evolution of intelligent life to be rare. However, given that I hope many intelligent alien civilizations exist, I can only hope that some other factor explains why we have not made contact with any yet. Thanks for sharing!


  2. I didn’t know about the Great Filter theory before reading your post. I think It is a relatively satisfying conclusion to come to. I wonder if even the vastness of the universe is not statistically significant enough to create a second form of intelligent life, let alone one able to communicate with us (a parameter in the Drake Equation). 


  3. I had never heard of the Great Filter theory before, and it makes the most sense. I think there is something to be said about the fact that we haven’t found life on any other planet, or lives on other planets haven’t found us. It isn’t impossible, but this paradox and theory lends to the notion that we really are alone.


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