Black Holes

Black Hole

Black holes have always been one of the most fascinating things about our universe. I’m sure everyone remembers how the internet went insane when this photo was released. Black holes are everywhere in popular media like movies and video games. The concept that something so massive exists and nothing can ever escape from it astonishes and intrigues many, including me. The most notable example of black holes in media to me is the movie Interstellar in which they go into a black hole and suddenly have the ability to reach the fourth dimension and they can time travel and its crazy. Anyway, the fun part about that is that is that no one knows what goes on once an object goes into the singularity, or middle, of the black hole. The line that once crossed means it can never come back is called the event horizon. Since nothing can escape, even light, this is why black holes appear black, and that is how they got their names. However, I like to think of black holes as the only things in the universe that we know of that are completely invisible. Since no light can escape then there is no light for your eyes to see. We do of course see the light surrounding black holes, which kind of ruins my whole “invisible” head cannon, but I still like to think of them that way.


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